Nicole Peyrafitte

Nicole PeyrafitteMultimedia performance artist Nicole Peyrafitte was born in Luchon (French Pyrenees). As an autodidact, she considers each step of her work an attempt to fulfill her compulsion to learn through a process of immersion that generates performances incorporating voice / paintings / videos / writing & often cooking. Peyrafitte performs locally, nationally and in Europe.






for Dahr Jamail
(inspired by Dahr Jamail’s Iraq Dispatches Jan14 & 15 & landing of Huygens probe on Titan January 14th 2005)

from outer outer edges
no smell
no name
eyes still open
watching the edges of death and sun

probe my heart
standing in a field full of unexploded mortar rounds
seeing, touching and smelling
respond against any bodies

through a filter sensitive
into the walking freezer
a morgue
filled with spots, ovals and swirling vortices
& filaments of gas
come, come, come & take care of it
come, come, come & take care of it
come, come, come & take care of it
These channels merge into river systems
lakebeds featuring offshore ‘islands’ and ‘shoals’

now carrying water in buckets from the river
piles of scorched date palm
come, come, come and shoot
come, come, come and shoot
come, come, come and shoot
searched our houses
didn’t steal / now they steal
didn’t hurt us / now hurting us so much

it’s the eyes that got me
they won’t go away

take a shower while you can