Call For Volunteers

Albany Poets is currently looking for people to assist us in various tasks in effort to promote poetry and spoken word through out the Northeast and beyond. Flyering:We are looking

Albany Poets At LARKfest 2006

Albany Poets is proud to be a part of the 2006 LARKfest. For the second year in a row, Albany Poets will be bringing poetry and spoken word to this

Other:____ Issue Five

The fifth issue of Albany Poets quarterly art/lit zine is now available. This issue of Other:____ is packed with poetry, photos, art, and more from poets, writers, and visual artists

Albany Poets Podcast Number 14 Now Available

Poets Speak Loud at Tess’ Lark Tavern on Monday, April 24, 2006 The post-Word Fest Poets Speak Loud was not just our monthly poetry and spoken word open mic at