Write-in Workshop: Awakening the Muse
Sometimes the muse is just waiting for you to write, and sometimes there’s a blank computer screen or notepad staring back at you. That’s where writing prompts can help. At the next meeting of the Upper Hudson Chapter of Sisters in Crime, held at the East Greenbush Community Library and online, author and instructor Ellen Higgins, Ph.D, will lead a write-in. Ellen has taught mostly on the college and adult ed level and is also an editor and researcher. You can work with the optional prompts she offers, or on your own project. Paper and pens will be provided. The write-in is Saturday, April 20, from 11:15 to 12:30 and it’s free. The East Greenbush Community Library is located at 10 Community Way, East Greenbush, NY 12061. If you can’t join us in person, you can join us on Zoom, but you must register in advance at: https://upperhudsonsinc.com/events