Woodstock Poetry Society
Colony Cafe 22 Rock City Road, Woodstock, NY, United StatesMonthly open mic for poetry with a featured poet in the heart of Woodstock, NY. This event is hosted by Chronogram poetry editor Phillip Levine.
Monthly open mic for poetry with a featured poet in the heart of Woodstock, NY. This event is hosted by Chronogram poetry editor Phillip Levine.
The monthly poetry reading and open mic at the Unitarian Congregation in Kingston continues on Saturday, April 14 with guest readers are Judith Lechner and Marcia Slatkin.
Pitchapalooza is American Idol for books (only without Simon). Twenty writers will be selected at random to pitch their book. Each writer gets one minute—and only one minute! In the last month, three writers have gotten publishing deals as a result of participating in Pitchapalooza. Co-presented by Frequency North: The Visiting Writers Reading Series at […]
Yes!, in conjunction with Word Fest, invites YOU to take part in this communal reading event. This will NOT be a showcase for anyone's individual work. Rather, it will be an opportunity for poets from various Albany poetry communities to READ TOGETHER in the SAME SPACE. Specific parameters for the event are still being constructed. […]
Closing out the 2012 Albany Word Fest on Saturday night, April 21, at Valentine’s will be Daniel Nester‘s Karaoke + Poetry = Fun. Nester says, “As part of the closing ceremonies for the week long poetry and spoken word festival, poets will read a poem, then sing a song. Singers will sing a song, and read a poem. It’s […]
Out of the Darkness: The Poetry Session will feature poets who have written ekphrastic poems based on John Zoccoli's art, plus an open mic!
Free and Open to the Public. Children must be accompanied by an adult.Join the NYS Writers Institute and the RED Bookshelf for a Children’s Pajama Storytime with UAlbany alumni and children’s book author Fabian Ferguson. Fabian Ferguson, who received his B.S. in Marketing and Management from the UAlbany School of Business in 2007, is an […]
Let’s take a closer look at your work in progress—story arc, individual scenes, settings, character, and theme—and interrogate those elements for what else might be true about them, all with an eye on infusing your story with more dimension, more humanity, and more resonance. Lastly, we’ll focus on how to do all of this with […]
Free and Open to the Public. Join the NYS Writers Institute as we talk with Sharr White and Maggie Mancincelli-Cahill on “The True,” an off-broadway play chronicling ex-Albany Mayor Erastus Corning II and Dorothea Noonan.Sharr White is the author of “The True,” a new play that explores the bounds of love, loyalty, and female power […]
Judith Heumann, star of the Oscar-nominated 2020 documentary CRIP CAMP: A DISABILITY REVOLUTION, is widely hailed as “The Mother” of the Disability Rights Movement. Heumann contracted polio at age 18 months and has used a wheelchair for most of her life. Over the course of half a century, she served as an organizer of various […]
The Dead Man’s Press Ink Spoken Word Poetry Showcase returns on Friday, April 1st at The FuzeBox with featured poet R.M. Engelhardt reading work from his most recent book, We Rise Like Smoke and the soon to be released Of Spirit Ash & Bone.The Dead Man’s Press Ink Spoken Word Poetry Showcase is a monthly […]
The film festival will feature filmmakers and notable film industry leaders hosting discussions and screenings, a short film contest, and the Ironweed Awards presentation, named after Writers Institute’s founder William Kennedy’s Pulitzer Prize-winning novel.“Our niche is a ‘bookish’ film festival that celebrates storytelling on film and focuses on adaptations of novels and stories into films; […]