On Wednesday, April 6, 2022, Caffè Lena will present a poetry reading by Indran Amirthanayagam and Sara Cahill Marron. An open mic poetry reading will follow. Doors open for sign-ups at 6:30 pm and the readings will start at 7:00. The host for the event will be Carol Graser and the cost is $5 general, free for students. The featured reading will also be livestreamed. You can find a link for the livestream at caffelena.org.Sara Cahill Marron is the author of Reasons for the Long Tu’m (Broadstone Books, 2018), Nothing You Build Here, Belongs Here (Kelsay Books 2021), and Call Me Spes (MadHat Press 2022), and is the Associate Editor of Beltway Poetry Quarterly and publisher, with Indran Amirthanayagam, of Beltway Editions. Her work has been published widely in literary magazines and journals such as Gravel, Atlas + Alice, Meniscus, Cordella, Newtown Literary, South Florida Poetry Journal, Golden Walkman, Lunch Ticket, and other anthologies.
Indran Amirthanayagam achieved a unique record in 2020 by publishing three new poetry books written in three different languages: The Migrant States (www.hangingloosepress.com, New York), Sur l’île nostalgique(L’Harmattan, Paris) and Lírica a tiempo (Mesa Redonda, Lima). His new books are Ten Thousand Steps Against The Tyrant (Broadstone Books,2022) and Isleño(R.I.L. Editores, 2021). He has published twenty two poetry collections and recorded a spoken word/music album Rankont Dout. He edits Beltway Poetry Quarterly. He won the Paterson Poetry Prize; received fellowships from The Foundation for the Contemporary Arts, the New York Foundation for the Arts, The US/Mexico Fund For Culture and the MacDowell Colony. https://indranamirthanayagam.blogspot.com.