On Wednesday, December 24, Caffè Lena will present a poetry reading by Effy Redman. An open mic poetry reading will follow. Doors open for sign-ups at 6:30 pm and the readings will start at 7:00. The host for the event will be Carol Graser and the cost is $5 general, free for students. The featured reading will also be livestreamed. You can find a link for the livestream at caffelena.org. Caffè Lena, 47 Phila St., Saratoga Springs, 518-583-0022.Effy Redman’s writing investigates the intersection of disability and identity, building bridges in minority communities. Her first book—SAVING FACE—a memoir of living with physical disability—was published by Vine Leaves Press in March 2024. Redman is a regular at Caffe Lena Poetry night and has published poetry in several literary journals including Chronogram, Berkeley Poetry Review, and Poetry Now. She has also published nonfiction in The New York Times, Vice, Ravishly, Chronogram, Berkeley Poetry Review, and Iron Horse Literary Review, among others. She holds an MFA in Memoir from CUNY: Hunter College, where she received an Honorable Mention for the Helen Gray Cone Fellowship, and a BA in Literature/Drama from Bennington College, where she was an Ellen Knowles Harcourt Scholar and a Bennington Scholar.