Bunny Presse Book Launch

St. Rocco’s welcomes you to a reading with Zoe Tuck, Bill Carty, and Paul Hlava Ceballos

Celebrating new books from Bunny Presse: We Sailed on the Lake by Bill Carty and Bedroom Vowel by Zoe Tuck

Outdoors, behind Urban Aftermath Books, with readers on the back porch. (Rain Location TBA.)
Gather at 4:30pm to hang out or buy books.
Reading begins at 5pm.
The readers will be reading from the back porch. You can get to the back porch through the store until 5pm. After 5pm, walk around to Hudson Street to enter through the parking lot (Parking lot entrance is between 256 and 260 Hudson St.)

Bill Carty is the author of Huge Cloudy (Octopus Books, 2019). His poems have appeared in the 32 Poems, Best American Poetry, Denver Quarterly, Iterant, jubilat, Kenyon Review, Paperbag, and other journals. He has received poetry fellowships from the Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown, Artist Trust, Hugo House, and was awarded the Emily Dickinson Award from the Poetry Society of America.

Originally from Maine, Carty lives in Seattle. He is Senior Editor at Poetry Northwest and teaches at Hugo House, University of Washington, and Edmonds College.

Zoe Tuck was born in Texas, became a person in California, and now lives in Massachusetts. She is the author of Terror Matrix (Timeless Infinite Light) and the chapbooks Vape Cloud of Unknowing (Belladonna) and The Book of Bella (DoubleCross Press). In addition to teaching private creative writing and literature classes, Zoe is the co-host of The But Also reading series with Britt Billmeyer-Finn and the co-editor of Hot Pink Magazine with Emily Bark Brown. Since 2019, she has been an active member of the Belladonna* Collaborative, where she has co-curated both the Close Distances and the In-Flux reading series.

Paul Hlava Ceballos is the author of banana [ ], winner of the AWP Donald Hall Prize for Poetry, the Poetry Society of America’s Norma Farber First Book Award, and a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award. He has fellowships from CantoMundo, Artist Trust, and the Poets House. He currently lives in Seattle, where he practices echocardiography.


Sep 16 2023


4:30 pm - 6:00 pm
Urban Aftermath Books


Urban Aftermath Books
295 Hamilton Street, Albany, NY 12210
St Rocco's Reading Series


St Rocco's Reading Series

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