American Herstory: Conversations About Women’s Autobiography with Liara Roux
Craft talk – 4:30 p.m.
Conversation Q&A – 7:30 p.m.
Both events in the Boardroom (1st Floor), Campus Center West Addition
University at Albany, 1400 Washington Avenue, Albany NY 12222
Free and open to the public. Masks required.
Liara Roux is a writer, sex worker, and political activist who fights for human rights for sex workers, freedom of online expression, and the decriminalization of consensual adult activity. Together with peers in the industry, Roux helped launch the first National Sex Worker Lobby Day on Capitol Hill in 2018. Roux’s critically acclaimed memoir is Whore of New York: A Confession (2021). The New York Times reviewer called it “an original reflection on joy, anguish, sex, love and labor.” Roux, who identifies by a variety of pronouns, has been interviewed in Vice, Wired and the Washington Post, and on WAMC/Northeast Public Radio.
Sponsored by UAlbany’s Gender and Sexuality Month, an annual spring series of the Middle Earth Peer Assistance Program of the Center for Behavioral Health Promotion and Applied Research. Cosponsors include the Division of Student Affairs, Student Association, UAS, and the NYS Writers Institute.
For the full schedule of Gender and Sexuality Month events, visit: