Yes! Reading at the Social Justice Center featuring CA Conrad, Adam Roberts, Kate Schapira, and Michelle Taransky
CA CONRAD is the author of A BEAUTIFUL MARSUPIAL AFTERNOON: New (Soma)tics (Wave Books, 2012), The Book of Frank (Wave Books, 2010), Advanced Elvis Course (Soft Skull Press, 2009), Deviant Propulsion (Soft Skull Press, 2006), and a collaboration with poet Frank Sherlock titled The City Real & Imagined (Factory School, 2010). He is a 2011 Pew Fellow, and a 2012 Ucross Fellow. He is the editor of the online video poetry journals JUPITER 88 and Paranormal Poetics. Visit him online at http://
ADAM ROBERTS, a native Rhode Islander, is the author of various online texts and chapbooks, including: Poem in Four Parts (Cannibal Books), THE OFFICIAL JERSEY SHORE POEM, Of Being Numerous: A Chat, and others. He holds a graduate degree from the University of Iowa Writer’s Workshop and currently resides in South Hadley, MA.
KATE SCHAPIRA is the author of How We Saved the City (Stockport Flats), The Bounty: Four Addresses (Noemi Press), TOWN (Factory School / Heretical Texts) and The Soft Place (forthcoming in 2012 from Horseless Press) as well as chapbooks with Rope-A-Dope, Horseless, Cy Gist and Flying Guillotine Presses, Portable Press at Yo-Yo Labs, and forthcoming from dancing girl press. She lives in Providence, RI, where she co-organizes the Publicly Complex Reading Series and teaches writing to college students and 4th graders.
MICHELLE TARANSKY is the author of Barn Burned, Then, selected by Marjorie Welish for the 2008 Omnidawn Poetry Prize. Before moving to Philadelphia to work at Kelly Writers House, Taransky received a BA from The University of Chicago, worked as Programs Coordinator at The Poetry Center of Chicago, earned her MFA from The Iowa Writers’ Workshop, taught poetry at the Iowa Young Writers Studio, and was a resident at Wave Books’ Poetry Farm. She is a member of the Critical Writing Faculty at Penn and an adjunct poetry instructor at Temple University. Taransky is always happy to talk about poetry, glitter, Charles Barkley, or her book-in-progress: Never Quit: The Poetics of Charles Barkley.