Sarah Giragosian to Read at the Cafffe Lena Poetry Open Mic
On Wednesday, March 6 , Caffè Lena will present a poetry reading by Sarah Giragosian. An open reading will follow.
On Wednesday, March 6 , Caffè Lena will present a poetry reading by Sarah Giragosian. An open reading will follow.
Richard Russo, Pulitzer Prize-winning Novelist, on Wednesday, April 3, 2019, at the Biotech Auditorium in the Biotechnology and Interdisciplinary Studies Building at RPI in Troy.
Canadian author Vicki Delany will deliver the keynote address and converse about breaking into the field with special guest author and publisher Edwin Hill.
The Kauai Writers Conference has grown to become one of the foremost literary gatherings in the US, and takes place every year in November on the beautiful island of Kauai.
In an eagerly awaited harbinger of spring, the New York State Writers Institute at the University at Albany announces its schedule of the Visiting Writers Series and Classic Film Series totaling nearly three dozen events for the spring 2019 semester.
Schenectady’s Arthur’s Market Poetry series is excited to present their next event at the beautiful Kelly Adirondack Center featuring Bunkong Tuon.
A creative non-fiction writer or ghostwriter is needed to finish writing the last half of a gripping memoir/autobiography on the themes of racism, bullying, personal tragedy, and redemption.
On Wednesday, February 6 , Caffè Lena will present a poetry reading by Nancy Klepsch with an open reading will follow.
Join us Wednesday, January 9 for the finale poetry event at Arthur’s Market in Schenectady hosted by Alan Catlin.
Writers in the Mountains (WIM) announces its spring Creative Nonfiction workshop with Anique Taylor, February 7 to May 9, 2019.
The Hudson Valley Memoir Group meets the second Thursday of the month, from 6 to 9 PM, at the Pine Hills Branch of the Albany Public Library.
On Wednesday, January 2, Caffè Lena will present a screening of videos/poems created by Mary Kathryn Jablonski and Laura Frare with an open reading to follow.
The Hudson Valley Writers Guild supports the efforts of writers in all genres by sponsoring readings, workshops, and contests and providing a number of valuable resources for the entire literary community.