Nitty Gritty Slam #38 – The Women of Albany Poetry Slam at Valentine’s

Tuesday, February 19 will mark the first time we hold the Women of Albany Poetry Slam at Valentines. This is going to be a great show, not to be missed. We are featuring four of the most dynamic and powerful female poets in the area for this special edition of NGS.

We have held three prelims and we have narrowed the field down to four tremendous female poets (Alyssa, Alex, Tasha, and Kristen) who will battle it out for the title of the 2013 NGS Woman of Albany and a spot in the Grand Slam, on May 7, to determine who will be part of Team Nitty Gritty 2013, going to the National Poetry Slam in Boston this summer.

* NOTE – This slam will not be an open slam. Only women poets will be able to slam. The open mic will be for all poets and spoken word artists who want to step up to the mic with a special two poem limit.

Albany Poets, Urban Guerilla Theatre, and The Frequency North Reading Series are bringing slam back to Albany with the NITTY GRITTY SLAM.

NGS takes place at Valentine’s (17 New Scotland Ave.) on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday’s of each month.

If you’re not into slam, but want to get on stage and share your work, we have an open mic before the slam hosted by NGS Coach Mojavi.

Sign up begins at 7PM, open mic starts at 7:30, and the slam, hosted by Slammaster Thom Francis, starts at 8PM.

Admission is $5.00 ($3.00 with student ID). This is an 18+ show.

For information on the rules and format of the Nitty Gritty Slam and to meet the team, go to

About the author: Thom Francis
Thom Francis has been organizing, promoting, and hosting open mics and poetry / spoken word events in Albany such as Nitty Gritty Slam, School of Night, Albany Poets Presents..., and the Albany Word Fest for over 20 years. As a poet and performer, Thom has been featured at many of the upstate poetry and spoken word events from Saratoga to Woodstock as well as LarkFest, Art on Lark, 1st Friday, and the Albany Word Fest.
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