From our friend Deb Bump:
Greetings From The Electric City!
WIRED!, Schenectady’s open mike reading for poetry and the spoken word, was happy to have been personally contacted by this months’ featured poet, expressing interest in reading at our venue!
The SPOTLIGHT POET for (drum roll, please!) … ROBERT MILBY
Saturday, Nov. 4th, at THE MOON AND RIVER CAFE, 115 S. Ferry Street, in
Schenectady’s lovely historic Stockade District.
Please note that Mr. Milby is actually from Florida, N.Y., not Woodstock, as inadvertedly listed on our promo fliers. He has read his work in numerous areas of the region, and is a noted open mike impressario, as well.
Sponsored by ELECTRIC CITY POETRY PRODUCTIONS. Hosted by Schenectady poet Debora Bump
Sign-up for the event is at 5:00 p.m. Showtime will commence at 5:30. There is no specified suggested donation; however, a basket pass will help assure gas $$ for our fine featured performer (and promo/flyer costs for your host). Thank you in advance.
For more information, contact Deb Bump at [email protected] or 518-374-5127.
Hope to see as many of you there as possible!