Autumn House Nonfiction Contest
Sponsor – Autumn House Press
Deadline Date – 30-Apr-2025
Funding – $2,500.00 USD
Program Information – View Details
The annual Autumn House Nonfiction Contest provides book publication, a $1,000 honorarium, and a $1,500 travel/publicity grant to promote the winning book.
Autumn House Press offers an annual prize for the best full-length non-fiction manuscript of approximately 150-300 double-spaced pages (37,500-75,000 words). All nonfiction subjects or any combination of subjects are eligible.
Submissions should be previously unpublished. Simultaneous submissions are permitted. Friends, family members, and former students of judges or Autumn House editors may not submit to the contest. Students do not include interactions at short-term residencies or fellowships. Former employees of Autumn House, including interns, may not submit to the contest.
The winner will receive book publication, a $1,000 honorarium, and a $1,500 travel/publicity grant to promote their book. All finalists will be considered for publication.
Susan Kamil Emerging Writer Fellowships
Sponsor – Center for Fiction
Deadline Date – 31-May-2025
Funding – $5,000.00 USD
Program Information – View Details
The Center for Fiction / Susan Kamil Emerging Writer Fellowships offer grants, editorial mentorship, and other opportunities to early-career New York City-based practitioners who are at a critical moment in their development as fiction writers.
This program supports emerging writers whose work shows promise of excellence.
Applicants must be current residents of one of the five boroughs and must remain in New York City for the entire year of the fellowship. Students in degree-granting programs are not eligible to apply. Applicants can be of any age, but must be in the early stages of their careers as fiction writers and will not have had the support needed to achieve major recognition for their work. The Center defines “emerging writer” as someone who has not yet had a novel or short story collection published by either a major or independent publisher, and who is also not currently under contract to a publisher for a work of fiction. Eligible applicants may have had stories or novel excerpts published in magazines, literary journals or online, but this is not a requirement. If at any point during the judging process an applicant signs a contract for publication or accepts an offer to study in a degree-granting program, he or she must alert the Center immediately to have the application pulled from consideration.
During the one-year Fellowship period, Fellows receive:
- A grant of $5,000
- The opportunity to have their manuscript revised and critiqued by an experienced editor
- Access to write in our Writers Studio
- The opportunity to meet with editors, authors, and agents who represent new writers at monthly dinners
- Two public readings as part of our annual program of events
- A professional headshot for personal publicity use
- Inclusion in an anthology distributed to industry professionals
- Tickets to our First Novel Fête and/or Annual Awards Benefit
- Complimentary admission to all Center events
- A 25% discount on writing workshops at the Center
- A workshop on reading as performance, conducted by Audible
Children’s and Young Adult Novel Award
Sponsor – Yeovil Community Arts Association
Deadline Date – 31-May-2025
Program Information – View Details
The Yeovil Literary Prize offers a Children’s and Young Adult Novel Award category in their annual writing competition.
Entries for the Children’s and Young Adult Novel Award category should consist of the first 3000 words plus a 500 word synopsis.
- must be the work of the entrant (who must be over 16), in English, (not translated into English) and must not have been previously self-published, broadcast, or accepted for publication;
- may have appeared online, but not in any commercial online form (e.g. in a journal or magazine, or as part of a publication requiring payment to access);
- that have won or are currently shortlisted in other writing competitions do qualify for entry.
Entrant must be over 16. There is a required entry fee of £15.60.
Prizes awarded for this category are: 1st – £625; 2nd – £275; and, 3rd – £150. Winners will be notified by letter or email and the results published on the competition website ( on 30th September 2025.
Welsh Poetry Competition
Sponsor – Welsh Poetry Competition
Deadline Date – 29-Jun-2025
Funding – $630.00 USD
Program Information – View Details
The Welsh Poetry Competition is an international English language poetry contest for poems of no more than 50 lines in length.
Each poem must be no more than 50 lines in length (not including title or line breaks). No translations are allowed. Entries can be in any style and on any subject.
The author must be living. The entrant may submit an unlimited number of poems, each to be accompanied by a £6 entrance fee.
This year the competition shall be offering the following prizes:
- 1st Prize – £500
- 2nd Prize – £250
- 3rd Prize – £100
plus 17 runners-up, specially commended entries and publication in a future anthology.
Guy Owen Prize
Sponsor – Southern Poetry Review
Deadline Date – 31-May-2025
Funding – $1,000.00 USD
Program Information – View Details
The Southern Poetry Review provides an award for an unpublished poem. Applicants may send three to five poems (10 pages maximum).
The Southern Poetry Review awards a prize for an unpublished poem.
There is a $20 entry fee (which includes a one year subscription).
Winners receive $1,000 and publication.
Wick Poetry Center — Stan and Tom Wick Poetry Prize
Sponsor – Kent State University
Deadline Date – 01-May-2025
Funding – $2,500.00 USD
Program Information – View Details
This prize is offered annually to a poet who has not previously published a full-length collection of poems. The prize awards the winner with $2,500 and publication of their first full-length book of poetry by the Kent State University Press. The winner and the competition’s judge will give a reading together on the Kent State campus.
This prize is offered annually to a poet who has not previously published a full-length collection of poems. Submissions must consist of 50 to 70 pages of poetry with no more than one poem included on a page.
The competition is open to poets writing in English who have not yet published a full-length collection of poems (a volume of 50 or more pages published in an edition of 500 or more copies).
The prize awards the winner with $2,500 and publication of their first full-length book of poetry by the Kent State University Press. The winner and the competition’s judge will give a reading together on the Kent State campus.
Older Writers Grant
Sponsor – Speculative Literature Foundation
Deadline Date – 31-May-2025
Funding – $1,000.00 USD
Program Information – View Details
The Older Writers Grant is awarded annually to writers working with speculative literature who are at least fifty years of age at the time of application, and who are just starting to work at a professional level.
This grant, as with all SLF grants, is intended to help writers working with speculative literature from all over the world. Speculative literature spans the breadth of fantastic writing, encompassing literature ranging from hard science fiction to epic fantasy, including ghost stories, horror, folk and fairy tales, slipstream, magical realism, and more. Any piece of literature containing a fabulist or speculative element would fall under this aegis.
This grant is for writers who are fifty years of age or older at the time of grant application who are just starting to work at a professional level. The grant is awarded on the basis of merit. Please note that the goal of these grants is to help as many writers as possible, so recent winners can reapply but will be considered low-priority within a 2-year window of winning.
The award amount is $1,000 USD. These funds may be used as each writer determines will best assist their work.
Elizabeth Jolley Short Story Prize
Sponsor – Australian Book Review
Deadline Date – 05-May-2025
Program Information – View Details
The Australian Book Review is accepting entries for its annual Elizabeth Jolley Short Story Prize. The Jolley Prize is worth a total of AU$12,500 – first place will receive $6,000, second place will receive $4,000, and third place will receive $2,500.
The Jolley Prize is for fiction, although entries can be inspired by real life. Stories can be on any subject and in any style. Stories must be between 2,000 and 5,000 words in length.
The Jolley Prize is open to all short story writers writing in English.
The Jolley Prize is worth a total of AU$12,500 – first place will receive $6,000, second place will receive $4,000, and third place will receive $2,500. The three shortlisted stories will be published in the August or September 2025 issue of ABR and on the ABR website.
Eleanor Taylor Bland Crime Fiction Writers of Color Award
Sponsor – Sisters in Crime
Deadline Date – 31-Mar-2025
Funding – $2,000.00 USD
Program Information – View Details
The Eleanor Taylor Bland Crime Fiction Writers of Color Award is an annual grant of $2,000 given to an emerging writer of color for career development purposes.
The award is intended for emerging writer of color. An unpublished writer is preferred, however publication of not more than ten pieces of short fiction (excluding poetry) and/or up to two self-published or traditionally published books will not disqualify an applicant.
Requirements for application include:
- An unpublished work of crime fiction, aimed at readers, from children’s chapter books through adults. This may be a short story or first chapter(s) of a manuscript in-progress of 2,500 to 5,000 words.
- A resume or biographical statement.
- A cover letter that gives a sense of the applicant as an emerging writer in the genre and briefly states how the award money would be used. (How the money might be used is not a deciding factor in the judges’ decision.)
Writer of color are eligible to apply.
The $2,000 grant may be used for workshops, seminars, conferences, retreats, online courses, and research activities required for completion of the work. After contacting the grant recipient, Sisters in Crime will make an official announcement of the winner in the summer of 2025.
Anonymous Was A Woman (AWAW) Environmental Art Grant
Sponsor – New York Foundation for the Arts
Deadline Date – 15-Apr-2025
Funding – $20,000.00 USD
Program Information – View Details
The Anonymous Was A Woman (AWAW) Environmental Art Grant (EAG) provides up to $20,000 for projects led by women-identifying artists in the United States and U.S. Territories. This grant supports environmental art projects that inspire thought, action, and ethical engagement. Projects should not only point at problems, but aim to engage an environmental issue at some scale. Proposals should illustrate thorough consideration of a project’s ecological and social ethics. Projects that explore interdependence, relationships, and systems through Indigenous and ancestral practices are encouraged to apply.
The Anonymous Was A Woman (AWAW) Environmental Art Grant (EAG) supports environmental art projects that inspire thought, action, and ethical engagement. Projects should not only point at problems, but aim to engage an environmental issue at some scale. Proposals should illustrate thorough consideration of a project’s ecological and social ethics. Projects that explore interdependence, relationships, and systems through Indigenous and ancestral practices are encouraged to apply.
The intended impact of the project is an important factor in the selection process. Environmental art projects that qualify for this program may focus on the following themes, but are not limited to:
- Regeneration
- Eco-social engagement
- Decarbonization as decolonization
- Ecofeminism
- Climate change / climate collapse
- Systems-restoration
- Interspecies relationships
- Natural or built systems
- Recycling and repurposing
- Clean energy production
- Bioplastics
The funded project or phase of the project must be completed by August 2026. The AWAW EAG is seeking to advance existing projects that are already in development to complete a project in full or to complete a phase of a project. New projects are not eligible to apply.
Projects must have a public engagement component that is free to attend and takes place within the grant term (August 2025 to August 2026).
Applicants must:
- Identify as a woman and/or female, including trans women and people of variable gender identities who were designated female at birth
- Be 18 years or older on or before the grant deadline
- Be an individual artist who is the project lead of the proposed project
- Collaborative projects are eligible and encouraged to apply
- While partnerships with organizations are allowed, organizations themselves cannot apply or serve as the lead applicant
- Have residence in one of the 50 states, a Tribal Nation, a U.S. Territory, or the District of Columbia on the grant deadline
- Not be enrolled in a degree-seeking program of any kind during the grant term (August 2025 to August 2026)
- Not have received an AWAW EAG previously as the lead applicant
- Past recipients of other NYFA and AWAW grant programs are eligible to apply
- Not be a NYFA or AWAW employee, member of the NYFA Board of Trustees or Artists’ Advisory Committee, and/or an immediate family member of any of the above
The AWAW EAG grant period is from August 2025 to August 2026. The program will provide up to $20,000 per project.