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Poets’ Circle Open Mic Event

March 10 @ 6:30 pm - 7:45 pm

Poets’ Circle must leave its home of the past 14 months. We’d love your presence and support as we become, for now, an itinerant poetry circle with a deep commitment to serving Schenectady.Starting March 11th, we will meet in the Swanker Board Room of the Schenectady Public Library. The hosts will bring a nosh for sharing; participants are welcome to bring drinks and a nosh. No cost to attend. Please spread the word to attendees you know who are not on Facebook.
Poets’ Circle is an intimate, seated POETRY open-mic, an opportunity to read, listen to, and discuss poetry. Poems will be read one at a time, with a pause for response between. Poets and appreciators of poetry are welcome to attend and participate in the responses.
Co-hosted by poets Judith Prest and Rhonda Rosenheck.
This recurring event takes place on the 2nd Monday of every month.