Judy Staber reading at Stockbridge Library
Judy (White) Staber will read from her recent biographical-memoir “Rise Above It, Darling the story of Joan White actor, director, teacher, producer and (sometimes) mother.” published 2022.
Judy Staber, who was known in the Berkshires before her second marriage as Judy Salsbury, was born into a theatrical family during World War II. Her mother was a well known London actress and her father was the manager of a West End theatre, The Duke of York’s. She spent her childhood at The Actors Orphanage in England and came to the US in 1959, to join her mother who worked in the States and Canada for thirty years until 1983 before returning the England. (Judy’s memoir “Silverlands Growing up at the Actors Orphanage” was published 2010). Joan White was artistic Director of the Berkshire Playhouse in Stockbridge from 1960 – 1964. Judy went into the theatre for a time and then, moving to the Berkshires with her young family, worked in Arts Marketing for 35 years, notably for Shakespeare & Company, Music Theater Group, Williamstown Arts Conservation Center and the Berkshire Museum as well as for The Berkshire Visitors Bureau, before remarrying and moving to Columbia County, where she was Executive Director for The Spencertown Academy for nine years until retiring. She is a published poet, has written two television productions with David Grover and Terry Hall called “Grover’s Corner” and, while at Spencertown, produced, wrote and acted in fifteen Pantomimes with the much loved PantoLoons. She is currently working on a true-life novel about her maternal great-grandmother, a woman of mystery. She is delighted be reading about her memories of Stockbridge and the Berkshires.