Three Poems – Jean Krasnansky Thompson

Three poems – “Saying Everything,” “Just For A While,” and “Dry” – by Boulder, Colorado poet Jean Krasnansky Thompson.
Jean Krasnansky Thompson

Saying Everything

I hear you whispering there
Earsplitting twin engines split the sky blue
saying everything saying nothing – crickets chirp by the window

I hear you whispering there
Leaf blower, edger, mower slashes my breath
and sentences from my book – saying everything saying nothing

O hawk
O dove
O meadow lark

I hear you there whispering
Into the song I sing to my cat
O soft fur on my chest
O rubbing your ear makes your foot squinch
O the sound of your motor running

O saying everything saying nothing


Just For A While

There is always a way
when the key doesn’t fit and the windows are locked,
You can stand it, just for a while

As roughened bark trolls the tree
and flowers cease to color the light
There is always a way

If tomorrow stretches weary eyes
and lurks frozen on bent knee
You can stand it, just for a while

After friends flicker like lightning bugs
and winter nights shield droplets of warmth
There is always a way

As smiles trickle from cracked hearts
and lay flat under noiseless feet
You can stand it, just for a while

When you turn eighty, turn ninety, one hundred
propped by tilting shadows feathery and low
There is always a way
You can stand it, just for a while



It’s too dry
The trees need water now
Collect my tears


Jean Krasnansky Thompson lives in Boulder, Colorado. Her fiction has been published in Tangled Locks, The Boulder Weekly’s Annual 101 Word Fiction Contests and Prairie Times. Non-fiction pieces have been published in Women’s Edition and Vegetarian Journal. She enjoys the activity of hanging out with friends. No agenda. Totally non-productive. Also known as goofing off.

About the author: Hudson Valley Writers Guild
The Hudson Valley Writers Guild supports the efforts of writers in all genres by sponsoring readings, workshops and contests and providing a number of valuable resources for the entire literary community.
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