Rensselaerville Library’s 2025 Poem-A-Day Project

The ninth annual Poem-A-Day Project, hosted by Rensselaerville Library in celebration of National Poetry Month, showcases a poem written by a local poet each day for April’s 30 days.
Rensselaerville Library

30 days . . . 30 poets . . . 30 poems

The ninth annual Poem-A-Day Project, hosted by Rensselaerville Library in celebration of National Poetry Month, showcases online a poem written by a local poet each day for April’s 30 days.

In its eight years, PAD has showcased 240 poems by 136 poets with 17,000+ pageviews!

This year’s poets include Elaine Kenyon, David Gonsalves, Edie Abrams, Sylvia Barnard, Larry Rapant, Rhonda Coullet, Mimi Moriarty, Anthony Bernini, Alan Casline, R. A. Pavoldi, Rhonda Rosenheck, Christy O’Callaghan, Megan McKinney Gillespie, Howard J Kogan, Tim Verhaegen, Alexander Perez, Sarah Hacker, Dan Wilcox, Katrinka Moore, Mark O’Brien, Robert A. Miller, Cheryl A. Rice, Gary J. Maggio, Nancy Klepsch, Pam Clements, Barbara Unger, Dianne Sefcik, pmboudreaux, Alan Catlin, and Charles Rossiter.

Visit for your daily poetry fix!

About the author: Hudson Valley Writers Guild
The Hudson Valley Writers Guild supports the efforts of writers in all genres by sponsoring readings, workshops and contests and providing a number of valuable resources for the entire literary community.
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