Vive Lafayette! Poetry Competition: Celebrating Lafayette’s Return to Schenectady

The HWVG, Schenectady Lafayette 200 Anniversary Committee, and the American Friends of Lafayette celebrate the return of General Lafayette to Schenectady.
General Lafayette

On June 11, 2025, Schenectady will celebrate the 200th anniversary of American Revolutionary War General Lafayette’s visit to the city during his Farewell Tour of the United States. A full day of festivities is planned, including a carriage entrance of Lafayette into the Stockade Historic District of Schenectady with an escort of reenactors, lunch and a formal dinner, multiple speakers from across the United States, musical performances, unveiling of a historic marker.


Poetry Competition

Entries are being accepted until Feb. 28, 2025, for a poetry competition to honor Lafayette when he dines at the Glen Sanders Mansion, Glenville. There are three age groups: K – 5th grade; 6th – 12th grade; and college & adult. Winners from each age group will receive free admission to the dinner so they may read their poem to Lafayette and his guests. The selected poems will also be published in a souvenir booklet to be gifted to attendees of the dinner. Poems must be original and no more than 500 words. The Hudson Valley Writers Guild is overseeing the judging portion.


Lafayette’s Tour of America

From August 1824 – September 1825, Lafayette was “The Guest of the Nation,” invited by President James Monroe to visit the United States and help kick off the country’s 50th anniversary. It was intended to be a quiet visit that turned into a thirteen-month celebratory tour throughout all 24 states. On August 16, 2024, the American Friends of Lafayette (AFL) began the bicentennial celebration of Lafayette’s triumphant return in New York City and are following Lafayette’s path, recreating many of the events that took place on his journey 200 years ago. Over 500 people comprise the Bicentennial Committee, and thousands have participated in the festivities so far, which have included dignitaries from both France and the United States and widespread media attention.


About Hudson Valley Writers Guild

HVWG supports the efforts of writers in all genres by sponsoring readings, workshops, and contests and providing a number of valuable resources for the entire literary community of Upstate New York.


About Schenectady Lafayette 200 Anniversary Committee

Although not ed to any one organization, the local planning committee is made up of representatives from the Schenectady County Historical Society board, the Office of the City Historian, the Daughters of the American Revolution, local historians, and the Freemasons (Lafayette was a freemason).


About The American Friends of Lafayette

AFL is an historical and patriotic society dedicated to the memory of Major General Gilbert Motier, Marquis de Lafayette, and to the study of his life and times in America and France. The Society was founded on May 20, 1932 at Lafayette College, Easton, PA. They participate in many of the major events tied to Lafayette, both here in the US and in France.

For more information and to submit your poetry, go to

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