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Literary Calls for Submissions

Helena Whitehill Book Award

Sponsor – Tupelo Press
Deadline Date – Oct 31, 2024
Funding – $1,000.00 USD
Program Information – View Details

Tupelo Press offers the Helena Whitehill Book Award as a national poetry prize for adult writers, provided for manuscripts of poetry (of any length) as well as manuscripts of creative nonfiction, including memoir, essays, and hybrid work. The award includes a cash award of $1,000 in addition to publication by Tupelo Press, a book launch, national and international distribution by the University of Chicago Press, a one-week residence at Gentle House on the Olympic Peninsula.

This prize is open to submissions of poetry, chapbook or full length, no page limit, and also open to creative non-fiction, no page limit. Manuscripts are judged anonymously and all finalists will be considered for publication. Writers should submit a previously unpublished, full or chapbook-length poetry manuscript, or creative non-fiction manuscript with a table of contents. There is no mandatory page count. All manuscripts will be read and considered with full respect, regardless of length, and no manuscript will be rejected simply because it’s shorter or longer.

Individual poems in a contest manuscript may have been previously published in magazines, journals, or anthologies, or chapbooks, but the work as a whole must be unpublished. If applicable, applicants should include with their manuscript an acknowledgments page for prior publications.

The Helena Whitehill Book Award is open to anyone writing in the English language, whether living in the United States or abroad. Translations are not eligible for this prize, nor are previously self-published books. This contest is open to all poets, regardless of prior publication history.

A reading fee of $30 (U.S.) must accompany each submission. Multiple submissions are accepted, so long as each submission is accompanied by a separate $30 reading fee. The award includes a cash award of $1,000 in addition to publication by Tupelo Press, a book launch, national and international distribution by the University of Chicago Press, a one-week residence at Gentle House on the Olympic Peninsula.


Brooklyn Non-Fiction Prize

Sponsor – Brooklyn Film & Arts Festival
Deadline Date – Nov 15, 2024
Funding – $500.00 USD
Program Information – View Details

The Brooklyn Film & Arts Festival announces the call for submissions for the 2024 Brooklyn Non-Fiction Prize. Submissions should be between 4 to 10 pages. (Up to 2500 words). The Brooklyn Non-Fiction Prize, a cash award of $500, will be awarded to the best Brooklyn- focused non-fiction essay which is set in Brooklyn and is about Brooklyn and/or Brooklyn people/characters. The sponsor is seeking compelling Brooklyn stories from writers with a broad range of backgrounds and ages (minimum age 18 years old) who can render Brooklyn’s rich soul and intangible qualities through the writer’s actual experiences in Brooklyn. From the collection of selected Brooklyn Non-Fiction Prize submissions, several authors will be selected to read from their work and discuss their Brooklyn stories with the audience at our annual finale event. These stories and several other submitted stories will be published on the Brooklyn Film and Arts Festival website and made available to the public.

The sponsor is seeking compelling Brooklyn stories from writers with a broad range of backgrounds and ages who can render Brooklyn’s rich soul and intangible qualities through the writer’s actual experiences in Brooklyn.

The sponsor is seeking compelling Brooklyn stories from writers with a broad range of backgrounds and ages (minimum age 18 years old).

The winner’s award is $500.


Poetry Competition

Sponsor – Café Writers
Deadline Date – Nov 30, 2024
Funding – $1,310.00 USD
Program Information – View Details

The prize is open to any poet in the world who is over 18 years of age writing in English. The maximum length for each poem is 40 lines excluding the title. Breaks between stanzas do not count towards the total.

The maximum length for each poem is 40 lines excluding the title. Breaks between stanzas do not count towards the total.

The prize is open to any poet in the world who is over 18 years of age writing in English. The Norfolk Prize is awarded to a permanent Norfolk resident, for a poem not winning another prize.

Prizes are as follows:

  • 1st – £1000;
  • 2nd – £300;
  • 3rd – £200;
  • Five Commended Prizes of £50;
  • Norfolk Prize – £100.


Gerald Cable Book Award

Sponsor – Silverfish Review Press
Deadline Date – Oct 15, 2024
Funding – $1,000.00 USD
Program Information – View Details

Silverfish Review Press sponsors the Gerald Cable Book Award. This prize is awarded annually to a book-length manuscript of original poetry by an author who has not yet published a full-length collection. The winner will receive $1000, publication, and 25 copies of the book.

This prize is awarded annually to a book length manuscript of original poetry by an author who has not yet published a full-length collection. Manuscripts should be at least 48 pages in length. Clean photocopies are acceptable. The poet’s name should not appear on the manuscript. Include a separate title page with author’s name, address, phone number and email address. Poems may have appeared in periodicals, chapbooks or anthologies, but should be acknowledged. No changes in the manuscript will be considered after submission.

The award is presented to an author who has not yet published a full-length collection. There is a $25 reading fee. Simultaneous submissions are acceptable.

The winner will receive $1000, publication, and 25 copies of the book.


Poetry Award

Sponsor – Hackney Literary Awards
Deadline Date – Nov 30, 2024
Funding – $600.00 USD
Program Information – View Details

This prestigious writing competition recognizes excellence in poetry and fiction with prizes at the national level and for the state of Alabama. The first place prize is $600.

This competition recognizes excellence in poetry and fiction with prizes at the national level and for the state of Alabama. For the poetry contest, the entry length is not to exceed 50 lines per entry. More than one poem may be submitted, but all poems together must not exceed the 50-line limit per entry.

An entry fee is required.

The annual competition awards $2,500 in prizes for poetry and short fiction (1st place, $600; 2nd, $400; 3rd, $250).


Short Story Award

Sponsor – Hackney Literary Awards
Deadline Date – Nov 30, 2024
Program Information – View Details

The Hackney Literary Awards annual competition awards prizes for short stories. The first place prize is $600.

This prestigious writing competition recognizes excellence in poetry with prizes at the national level and for the state of Alabama. For the short story contest, the entry length is not to exceed 5,000 words per story.

An entry fee is required.

The annual short story competition awards the following prizes: 1st place, $600; 2nd, $400; 3rd, $250.


Natan Notable Books Award

Sponsor – Jewish Book Council
Deadline Date – Oct 1, 2024
Funding – $5,000.00 USD
Program Information – View Details

The Jewish Book Council’s Natan Notable Books is a twice-year­ly award for non­fic­tion books on Jew­ish themes. Natan Notable Books high­lights vital books and authors, and brings inno­v­a­tive and impor­tant ideas to the atten­tion of diverse audiences. Win­ners receive a Natan Notable Book seal and $5,000 for the author, marketing/distribution coach­ing and pro­mo­tion from Jew­ish Book Coun­cil and Natan, and cus­tomized sup­port designed to bring the book and/or the author to new audiences.

Around Passover and the Jew­ish High Hol­i­days, Natan selects a “Natan Notable Book,” a recen­t­­ly-pub­­lished or about-to-be pub­lished non-fic­­tion title that will cat­alyze con­ver­sa­tions aligned with the themes of Natan’s grant­mak­ing: rein­vent­ing Jew­ish life and com­mu­ni­ty for the twen­­ty-first cen­tu­ry, shift­ing notions of indi­vid­ual and col­lec­tive Jew­ish iden­ti­ty, the his­to­ry and future of Israel, and the evolv­ing rela­tion­ship between Israel and world Jewry. Titles must have a pub­li­ca­tion date between April 1, 2024 and March 31, 2025.

Natan Notable Book win­ners receive a Natan Notable Book seal and $5,000 for the author, marketing/distribution coach­ing and pro­mo­tion from Jew­ish Book Coun­cil and Natan, and cus­tomized sup­port designed to bring the book and/or the author to new audiences.


Jonathan Larson Grants

Sponsor – American Theatre Wing
Deadline Date – Sep 27, 2024
Program Information – View Details

The Jonathan Larson Grant is an unconditional investment in individual emerging musical theatre writers—composers, lyricists, and librettists—to support and safeguard their artistic careers.

Jonathan Larson Grants are awarded to musical writers with the potential to create work that shapes contemporary culture. The sponsor gives writers free reign to put the grant’s resources towards what they see as the best use for furthering their creative endeavors with the hope that the grant will provide the support necessary for artists to see their work from concept to cultural success.

The Jonathan Larson Grants are intended to honor and recognize emerging musical theatre artists. Composers, lyricists, and librettists who work in musical theatre are the focus of the grants. ATW is committed to serving artists who are creating new, fully producible works for the theatre, and advancing the art form. The grants do not honor a specific piece or project.

Applications are accepted in the following areas:

  • Individuals may apply as lyricists, composers, librettists, or any combination of the three.
  • Collaborative teams may apply together as composer, lyricist, and/or librettist, or any combination of the three.
  • Collaborators who work together regularly are strongly encouraged to apply as a team. If your collaborative team has more than three individuals, please contact the ATW offices.
  • United States citizenship is not a requirement to receive the grant, but you must be eligible to work in the U.S. and reside/work here on at least a part-time basis and submitted work should be predominately in English.
  • Artists may apply only once per grant cycle. Applicants may not apply as part of a team and as an individual applicant.
  • Prior Jonathan Larson Grant Recipients are not eligible.

These grants recognize your talent as an artist and are meant to provide general support to help you in your career. There are no restrictions.