Rensselaerville Library’s 2024 Poem-A-Day Project

The eighth annual Poem-A-Day Project, hosted by Rensselaerville Library in celebration of National Poetry Month, showcases a poem written by a local poet each day for April’s 30 days.
Rensselaerville Library

30 days . . . 30 poets . . . 30 poems

The eighth annual Poem-A-Day Project, hosted by Rensselaerville Library in celebration of National Poetry Month, showcases online a poem written by a local poet each day for April’s 30 days.

In its seven years, PAD has showcased 210 poems by 125 poets with 15,000+ pageviews!

This year’s poets include Kennedy Coyne, Barry Kuhar, Dan Wilcox, Charlie Rossiter, Howard J Kogan, Philomena Moriarty, Cheryl A. Rice, Katrinka Moore, Ann Lapinski, Bob Sharkey, Tom Bonville, Edie Abrams, pmboudreaux, Christy O’Callaghan, Dana Jaye Cadman, Rhonda Rosenheck, George Grace, Sally Rhoades, Dan Dial, Francine Farina, Rachel R Baum, Francesca J. Sidoti, David Gonsalves, Susan Oringel, Tom Gilroy, Beverly Osborne, Mark W. Ó Brien, Susan Kayne, Nancy Klepsch, and Alan Catlin.

Visit for your daily poetry fix!

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