This week, we have another great lineup of literary events in the region. Here’s a quick look at the upcoming book discussions, readings, open mics, and workshops.
Thursday, February 22
1:30 PM – Howdunnits Mystery Writers Group @ Albany Public Library – Howe Branch
The Howdunnits provide a safe and welcoming venue to share your writing and to give and receive feedback from others.
4:30 PM – Karin Lin-Greenberg, author of the novel “You Are Here” @ University at Albany
Karin Lin-Greenberg is the author of You Are Here (2023), a debut novel about the residents of a small Upstate New York town who must grapple with the impending closure of a once-bustling shopping mall.
5:00 PM – T.J. Kostecky, “Eyes Up! Lessons for Leadership and Living” @ Bard College
Let lessons from an expert soccer coach inspire you to lead a richer, more successful life by expanding your vision to take in more of the world around you, and discover deeper purpose and meaning.
6:30 PM – Monthly Poetry Night @ Battenkill Books
Join Battenkill Books for an evening of Poetry. Bring several poems to read, either your own or someone else’s.
7:00 PM – 10 Words @ Lichtenstein Center for the Arts
The number of the day is 10. What could possibly go wrong when you stir a pot full of poets and bring it to a slow boil? WordXWord turns up the heat to find out. 10 Words is part of the 10×10 Upstreet Arts Festival, a city-wide event featuring dozens of events, in partnership with Mill Town Foundation. Go to for more information.
Friday, February 23
6:00 PM – Phil Bayly – “The Man Who Had 9 Lives” @ Northshire Manchester
Award-winning author and journalist Phil Bayly will join us to celebrate the release of the latest book in his popular Murder on Skis series, The Man Who Had 9 Lives, as an avalanche of mystery and murder unfolds on Colorado’s Western Slope.
7:00 PM – Fact or Fiction: A Live Storytelling Game @ The Garagery
Fact or Fiction is a fun, live storytelling game where performers tell stories and the audience asks questions in order to determine if what they just heard was true or made-up. (We’ll choose the storytellers in advance to ensure a good mix of fact and fiction.)
7:30 PM – Open Mic & Slam @ Cafe Euphoria
A laid-back open mic and fun slam at a cafe founded and run by trans and gender non-conforming folks.
Saturday, February 24
1:00 PM – Going in Depth: Backstory in Fiction Workshop with Moriah Hampton @ Albany Public Library – Pine Hills Branch
Whether you’re an aspiring writer or a seasoned novelist, this event is perfect for anyone looking to enhance their storytelling skills.
7:00 PM – Salon Salvage @ Weathered Wood
Monthly poetry and art series featuring local, regional, and national poets and performers curated by Hajar Hussaini, Matthew Klane, and Amie Zimmerman. This month’s featured poets are D. Colin, Michael Dumanis, and Dorothea Lasky.
Sunday, February 25
7:00 PM – Break / Stories @ Dotties Coffee Lounge
Similar to a story slam in spirit, WordXWord’s Stories is a spirited sharing of true, first person stories told, not read, circling loosely around a theme. February’s theme is BREAK. You’ll have to be there to know where the stories take us. BREAK / Stories is part of the 10×10 Upstreet Arts Festival, a city-wide event featuring dozens of events, in partnership with Mill Town Foundation. Go to for more information.
Monday, February 26
7:00 PM – Online workshop — Writers & AI: The Robots are Coming
With the speed of light, artificial intelligence seems to be invading the world. In particular, the art and literary worlds are facing the most dramatic transformation since the Gutenberg Press by innovative programs like ChatGPT and DALL-E.
Tuesday, February 27
6:00 PM – Michael Libling – “The Serial Killer’s Son Takes a Wife” @ Northshire Saratoga
World Fantasy Award-nominated author Michael Libling will join us in Saratoga to celebrate the release of his new thriller, a dark and frequently comedic romp set in the Saratoga area that explores the lives of a serial killer’s loved ones.
Wednesday, February 28
12:30 PM – Midday Write Ins @ Mochalisa’s Caffe
Midday Write Ins are a free, shared space to write. No fee, no minimum, no programming. Just a free space to write alongside other writers.
5:45 PM – Writers Group @ Schenectady Public Library – Central Branch
Whether you’ve been doing it forever or just starting out, bring your written words to this volunteer run community group and receive feedback from fellow wordsmiths as time permits.
6:00 PM – Oren Jay Sofer and Roxy Manning – “Your Heart Was Made for This and How to Have Antiracist Conversations”
The authors will join us on zoom to discuss their latest books. Sofer’s Your Heart Was Made for This is a practical roadmap to cultivating the heart’s capacity to face and transform our greatest challenges—like the climate crisis, oppression, anxiety, and burnout. Manning’s How to Have Antiracist Conversations uses Dr. Martin Luther King’s Beloved Community framework to empower activists to create change and equity through fierce yet compassionate dialogue against racism and white supremacy.
7:00 PM – Writing for Children with Rebecca Donnelly
Whether you’re the author of books for young readers or you aspire to be, this talk and q&a with Rebecca Donnelly will give you specific insights to the writing, submitting, and publishing process. Bring your questions big and small to get answers directly from the author of over 30 books for young readers, including middle grade fiction, middle grade nonfiction, and picture books. Donnelly’s perspective as both a successful author and a long-time children’s librarian makes her a unique and valuable guide through the complex children’s book industry.
7:00 PM – Straw Dog Writes Weekly Writers Meet Up
Straw Dog Writers Guild members who would like to spend some time writing together can join a Zoom session. We will spend 15 minutes on introductions, a 45 minute writing session, have a 15 minute discussion, then write for a second 45 minute period of time. Afterwards, the Zoom room will remain open for a half hour for discussion and chat.
Did we miss anything? Let us know at [email protected], and be sure to check out to find out more about our vibrant literary and arts community.