Mary Panza has been a permanent fixture in the Capital Region’s poetry/spoken word community since 1988. Her first time reading on the stage of the legendary QE2 cemented her love for performing. She had her heyday publishing her work in the 90s when small zines were king. She has published three chapbooks with poet Gina Grega and five small chapbooks with the late Paul Weinman. She has hosted an endless amount of events, from poetry, music, and spoken word to the extraordinary recycled fashion shows that were Discard Avant Garb. She is currently working on staying as sane as she can in an insane world.
On July 27, 2022, Mary was one of the poets and writers who shared their work at The Linda, WAMC’s Performing Arts Studio, on Central Ave. in Albany, as part of a two-night series of readings presented by the Hudson Valley Writers Guild and online literary journals  Hobo Camp Review and Trailer Park Quarterly.
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