Jared Harél Announces the Release of “Let Our Bodies Change the Subject”

Poet Jared Harél has announced the publication of his poetry collection, “Let Our Bodies Change the Subject,” from the University of Nebraska Press.
Jared Harél

Poet  Jared Harél has announced the publication of his poetry collection, Let Our Bodies Change the Subject, from the University of Nebraska Press. He is the author of Go Because I Love You which won the 2022 Raz/Shumaker Prairie Schooner Book Prize in Poetry and Let Our Bodies Change the Subject. Jared’s other poems have won awards such as the ‘Stanley Kunitz Memorial Prize and the William Matthews Poetry Prize. His book launch will be at the Hudson Valley Writer Center on Sunday, September 10th at 4pm.

“Jared Harél explores the fullness of family—what it’s like to be a parent, with gun violence, hate, and disease lurking in the shadows but also awe and joy, and what it’s like to be a brother, a husband, a son, and holy skeptic. These poems—simple and heavy at the same time, smooth with crisp images—will bring you closer to yourself and the people you love.”

Jeffrey McDaniel, author of Thin Ice Olympics 

Jared Harél teaches at The Writers Circle. He plays drums for a New York City based rock band called Flyin’ J & The Ghostrobber. Jared also does poetry readings, workshops, and campus visits.

“This life, Jared Harél, says, is a sad rollercoaster, all of us with our arms up, screaming on the way down. Thwarted desires, the many losses, school shootings, bomb museums, plague, all seen through the eyes of parents and children. Even so, there are ‘sorbet-colored koi’ beneath a pond, a daughter singing, a father donating blood to the Red Cross, sea stars, morning prayers before work with Tefillin in sweatpants and socks. This book was written with, what Czeslaw Milosz is quoted as saying, ‘compassion for others entangled in the flesh.’”

Dorianne Laux, author of Only As the Day Is Long: New and Selected Poems

For more information on the book and to pre-order your copy, go to UNP, Bookshop, Barnes &Noble and/or Amazon.



About the author: Hudson Valley Writers Guild
The Hudson Valley Writers Guild supports the efforts of writers in all genres by sponsoring readings, workshops and contests and providing a number of valuable resources for the entire literary community.
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