“Before I Forget,” a New Book from Howard Kogan

Local poet and retired psychotherapist Howard J. Kogan announces his fourth solo collection of poetry, “Before I Forget.”
Howard Kogan

Local poet and retired psychotherapist Howard J. Kogan announces his fourth solo poetry collection, Before I Forget, published by Square Circle Press.

About his writing he says, “After setting aside writing poetry in my twenties to attend to family and career, I returned to it in my sixties. I’m grateful to have this opportunity to return to an early love and give voice to the inner thoughts, perceptions, and memories that have been my constant and (mostly) welcome companions. Readers familiar with my earlier publications will see some of the same themes continued: family and friends, the so-called real and imaginary world I inhabit, and increasingly as I age, poems about aging and death. I wrote these poems for you, to engage and seduce you, to draw you close so I would feel less alone.”

Howard J. Kogan is a retired psychotherapist now living in Ashland, Massachusetts, with his wife, Libby. His years of retirement have provided him with the opportunity to return to narrative poetry. His poems have appeared in Still CrazyOccu-poetryPoetry ArkNaugatuck River ReviewJewish Currents AnthologyLiterary GazettePathwaysUp the RiverPoint Mass AnthologyMisfit MagazineFlairThe American Jewish World and Award Winning Poems from Smith’s Tavern Poet Laureate Contest (2010 and 2011 Editions). His other books of poems, Indian Summer and A Chill in the Air, are available from Square Circle Press. His chapbook, General Store Poems, published by Benevolent Bird Press in 2014, is available from the author.

Order your copy today at https://www.squarecirclepress.com/books/BeforeIForget.htm

About the author: Hudson Valley Writers Guild
The Hudson Valley Writers Guild supports the efforts of writers in all genres by sponsoring readings, workshops and contests and providing a number of valuable resources for the entire literary community.
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