30 days . . . 30 poets . . . 30 poems
A new poem by a local poet for each of April’s 30 days will be showcased online by the Rensselaerville Library in celebration of National Poetry Month.
The seventh annual Poem-A-Day, hosted by Rensselaerville Library in celebration of National Poetry Month, showcases online a poem written by a local poet each day for April’s 30 days.
This year’s poets include Naomi Bindman, Jonathan Lloyd, Gary J. Maggio, Charles Rossiter, Jackie Craven, Anthony Bernini, Nancy Dunlop, Kate McNairy, Karen Schoemer, Marilyn Paarlberg, Thomas Reed Willemain, Suzanne S. Rancourt, David Walsh, Catherine Norr, Thomas Anthony, Susan Oringel, Viviane Galloway, Ellen White Rook, Rebecca Schumejda, Dan Wilcox, Robert A. Miller, Howard J Kogan, Alan Catlin, Dawn Marar, Joel Best, Francine Farina, Nathan Smith, Franc Palaia, Andy Fogle, and Laura Lucas.
Visit https://padyes.blogspot.com/ for your daily poetry fix!