A Letter from Faith Green

Faith Green, who has served the Hudson Valley Writers Guild in various roles over the years, looks back at her tenure as president of the organization.
Faith Green

Dear Members & Literary Community,

It is with a full heart I let you all know that the time has come for me to step down as President of the Hudson Valley Writers Guild. My tenure has been a wonderful experience sharing activities and knowledge with fellow writers. I will remain on the board as a non-voting member for one year, after which I will become a general member. I have enjoyed the roles of secretary, hospitality, contest judge, and contest facilitator for over five years, and a total of 16 years as an active member. I will continue to be active and plan to conduct workshops and other activities as the board and community warrant.

Our new president is Thom Francis, who has been active in the Capital Region poetry community for over 20 years. He has been our Webmaster and publishes our terrific weekly newsletter and website. He has tons of energy and ideas; we are fortunate to have him.

Thanks also to Bob Sharkey’s tireless efforts our treasury is solid and membership continues to grow.

The other new board members will introduce themselves and are leading new projects to benefit our literary community.

You are a fantastic group and I look forward to reading and writing together in the future.

Thanks, everyone, for your support.

Faith S Green

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