Call for Submissions: Grace Paley Prize for Short Fiction

The Grace Paley Prize for Short Fiction provides a cash prize and publication for a book-length collection of short fiction. [Deadline: January 28, 2023]
typing at a desk

AWP’s Award Series is an annual competition for the publication of excellent new book-length works. The competition is open to all authors writing in English regardless of nationality or residence, and it is open to published and unpublished authors alike.

The competition is open to all authors writing in English regardless of nationality or residence, and it is open to published and unpublished authors alike. Only book-length manuscripts are eligible. The Award Series defines “book-length” as follows: poetry: 48 pages minimum text; short story or creative nonfiction collection: 150–300 manuscript pages; and novel: at least 60,000 words. Poems and stories previously published in periodicals are eligible for inclusion in submissions, but manuscripts previously published in their entirety, including self-published manuscripts, are not eligible. To avoid conflict of interest and to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest, friends and former students of a judge (former students who studied with a judge in an academic degree-conferring program or its equivalent) are ineligible to enter the competition in the genre for which their former teacher is serving as judge.

Deadline: January 28, 2023

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