Call for Submissions: Crosswinds Poetry Contest

The Crosswinds Poetry Journal is looking for submissions for the Crosswinds Poetry Contest, judged by Alexandria Peary.

The Crosswinds Poetry Journal is looking for submissions for the 2023 Crosswinds Poetry Contest, judged this year by Alexandria Peary, Poet Laureate of New Hampshire. Submissions are being accepted until December 31, 2022.

This year’s prizes are:

  • First Prize: $1,000
  • Second Prize: $500
  • Third Prize:  $250

Seven finalists will each receive a $50 honorarium. Poets will receive their awards from Crosswinds by April 15th, following the poetry contest deadline. Winners and finalists agree to allow Crosswinds to publish and their names on this website and other platforms and to be featured on our e-mail outreach platform with links to their books, sent to over 6,000 poets & writers. Payment is two contributor copies for the winners and one contributor copy for the remaining authors.

Alexandria Peary is the author of nine books, recently, Prolific Moment: Theory and Practice of Mindfulness for Writing and Battle of Silicon Valley at Daybreak. The recipient of a 2020 Academy of American Poets Laureate Fellowship and the Iowa Poetry Prize, her poetry and creative nonfiction have appeared in New American Writing, Southern Humanities Review, Gettysburg Review, Yale Review, Barrow Street, New England Review, Denver Quarterly, and North American Review. Specializing in mindful writing, she has given a webcast for NaNoWriMo in 2021 and TEDx talk, “How Mindfulness Can Transform the Way You Write” (available on YouTube). She is the architect and host of the popular webinar on mindful writing for the National Council of Teachers of English. Follow her on Twitter @NHPoetLaureate and @WriteMindfully.

Click here for more information on submitting to the Crosswinds Poetry Contest

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