HVWG to Launch a New Art & Poetry Magazine for K-12 Students

The Hudson Valley Writers Guild is very excited to announce a brand new magazine for and by regional K-12 students.
K-12 Students

The Hudson Valley Writers Guild is very excited to announce a brand new magazine for students from elementary to high school. Trailer Park Quarterly editor and widely-published poet Rebecca Schumejda will be heading up this project and will be guiding students through the process of editing, layout, production, promotion, and more.

If you or someone you know wants to get involved, send up to three poems or three pieces of art to rebecca@hvwg.org.

Be sure to put your last name, first name, and grade as the subject. Also, please include a short third-person biography.

Note, this is our first run, so please expect to wait at least three months to hear back from us.

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