Call for Submissions: Portrait of New England

The Portrait of New England is a regionally-based magazine and is currently accepting nonfiction, fiction, and poetry submissions.
Portrait of New England

The Portrait of New England is a regionally-based magazine and is currently accepting nonfiction, fiction, and poetry submissions for its ninth issue. The deadline for submission is September 30, 2022.

Portrait of New England is a regional-based literary magazine, accepting poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction submissions from writers with ties to New England (example: former resident, current resident, attended school in the region). Please feel free to read the first issue of the magazine to get a sense of the type of writing we seek.

Please send all poetry and prose submissions in one Microsoft Word document to, along with a brief (100 words or less), third-person biography, including any of your social media profiles so we can highlight you. Please only submit 1-5 poems or 1-3 prose pieces during each submission window. Please only submit in one category. When emailing your submission, please include a note of your connection to New England.

For more submission information, go to

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