Calling All Playwrights!

Have you written a play? The HVWG wants to sponsor a bare-bones performance of one or more plays by local playwrights.
empty stage with chair

Hear, ye!  Hear, ye!  Friends, writers, playwrights!  Lend us your plays!

Okay, okay.  Let’s set aside the theatrics (pun absolutely intended!) and get to the point.

Have you ever written a play?  If so, have you ever dreamed of having said play performed on stage?

Have we piqued your interest yet?

The Hudson Valley Writers Guild wants to sponsor a bare-bones performance of one or more plays by local playwrights. By “bare-bones” we mean less like a full Broadway production and more along the lines of a radio play performed on stage.  Picture a handful of people with scripts and microphones.  Maybe a couple of stools.  You get the idea – the focus is all on the words.

The goal is to share the wonderful work being created by our members with the community at large.  And while we may not have the resources (yet) to put on a full-scale production with casts of dozens, elaborate sets, and detailed costumes, what we can do is enlist local talent to bring your works to life through vocal performance in front of an audience.

Still interested?

If so, (and we hope you are), please send your manuscripts with “Calling All Playwrights” in the subject line, by October 1, 2022.

We will review all submissions and will select one as our first candidate for production.  All types and production lengths are welcome for consideration. Depending on the quantity and length of the various submissions (as well as how effectively we can pull this off) we may then consider additional plays for production.

Any questions should include “Calling All Playwrights” in the subject line and be sent to Gretchen Persbacker at

Thank you!

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