Call For Submissions: PoemVillage 2022

PoemVillage is a community program put together by the Adirondack Center for Writing celebrating local poetry from neighbors and friends.
PoemVillage 2022

PoemVillage is a community program put together by the great folks at the Adirondack Center for Writing celebrating local poetry from neighbors and friends annually since 2016. This year, they will be hanging poems in windows all around Saranac Lake during National Poetry Month. Also, bundles of locally-harvested poems will be safely delivered to inboxes and to the ACW website daily from April 15 – May 15, 2022.

If you want to be a part of this great project, read the submissions guidelines below:

  1. Submissions will be open from March 1 to April 1
  2. Each person may submit up to 3 poems. You will copy/paste your poems into the form below.
  3. Poems must be within 300 words and 25 lines, those too long will not be included, so please edit before submitting your poem.
  4. Please ensure that you have rights to offer this poem for publication. This poem must be your own work.
  5. PoemVillage and the poems displayed are open only to poets with ties to the Adirondacks. If you do not have ties to the region, please refrain from sending us poems. We consider the Adirondack Region anywhere within 30 minutes of the Adirondack Park.
  6. Our plan is to publish all poems that meet these guidelines. We do reserve the right to not publish any poem that we feel does not reflect the community standards of Saranac Lake. This does not mean poems must be positive, but they cannot be hateful, violent, or threatening.

Click here for more information and to submit your work.

Questions? Contact Tyler Barton at the Adirondack Center for Writing at

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