Call for Submissions: Barzakh Literary Magazine

Barzakh Literary Magazine is accepting original art, poetry, and prose submissions for its Summer 2022 issue.
Barzakh Literary Magazine

Barzakh Literary Magazine is accepting original art, poetry, and prose submissions for its Summer 2022 issue!

The next issue will include a special, themed section called “In Nature.” Therefore, in addition to un-themed submissions, Barzakh is also accepting original art, poetry, and prose submissions related to nature, ecology, and the environment. Feel free to interpret “In Nature” as you wish. They are very interested in considering nature writing and eco-art of all kinds, but you are welcome to submit work that pushes the boundaries of these labels. To learn more, visit the submit page.

The deadline for submissions is May 1, 2022.

Barzakh Literary Magazine just launched its Winter 2022 featuring the work of our over 60 contributors. This is also the first year Barzakh will be publishing two issues instead of one. 

To learn more about our behind-the-scenes, check out a recent interview with Barzakh’s managing editor Christy O’Callaghan and WOW! Women on Writing.

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