7th Annual Stephen A. DiBiase Poetry Contest

Bob Sharkey announces that the 7th annual Stephen A. DiBiase Poetry Contest is accepting submissions until January 15th, 2022.
Stephen A. DiBiase Poetry Contest

Bob Sharkey announces that the 7th annual Stephen A. DiBiase Poetry Contest is accepting submissions until January 15th, 2022.

Submissions open November 1, 2021, with a deadline at 11:59 pm EST on January 15, 2022.

$500 for first place, $400 for second, $300 for third, $200 for fourth and additional cash awards for honorable mentions.

Prize-winning and final poems results will be listed and published on the contest website in March 2022.

There are no entry fees.

There is a one poem limit.  The poem must be in English.  Otherwise, there are no limitations or restrictions.   But please proofread your poem before submission.  We welcome submissions from all ages and all countries.  Submission gives your consent for us to publish your poem.

Submissions are made through the website where you can find more information about the contest, a list of past winners, photos from the readings of the winners’ work, etc.

The contest has become international in reach and welcomes all poets to submit a poem.  Members of the Hudson Valley Writers Guild have done well in the past including two winners of the contest in previous years.

Bob Sharkey is the editor of the contest which is sponsored by his family. The contest was designed by Bob to be unlike other contests and avoid some of the things that discouraged him from submitting to them. There are no entry fees. The $2,500 or so prize money is spread out among the top entrants with a modest first place prize award of $500. There are no line or page limits and the contest gladly reads all forms of poetry and is open to all subjects and topics or none. Published or unpublished work is welcome. There are no age limits and we typically receive many submissions by younger poets, some who have won prizes or recognition.

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