The Holy Local – A New Open Mic Series in Albany

The Poetry Motel Foundation is pleased to announce a new in-person open mic series, The Holy Local, to be at High Ethic Stalwarts Art Gallery.
Dan Wilcox at Poets Speak Loud, September 30, 2019

The Poetry Motel Foundation is pleased to announce a new in-person open mic series – The Holy Local – to be held on the last Wednesday of each month at High Ethic Stalwarts Art Gallery (345 Myrtle Ave., Albany, NY) starting September 29 at 8:00 p.m. (signup starts at 7:30 p.m.).

Albany poet & peace activist Dan Wilcox, co-ordinator of the Third Thursday Poetry Night, Poets in the Park, and other area poetry events, will be the hosts of this new monthly series.

Last June Dan sent out word that the long-running Third Thursday Poetry Night held at the Social Justice Center on Central Avenue in Albany would be suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Dan says of the new series, “This is an open mic for written & spoken art, each reader will be able to perform up to 2 pieces of reasonable length, a donation of $3 to $5 is suggested — more if you’ve got it, less if you can’t.”

The High Ethic Stalwarts Art Gallery is the dream space & home of Tierastyn (Mokka) Dudley, Paralegal, and Souhimbou (Ebu) Kone, Public Health Practitioner, who are known for their creative expression of therapeutic Art. They describe their space as “as a HIGH ETHIC STALWART ART Gallery, Lounge, & Performance Space.”  Their mission is “to Spread Love & Peace to others while humbly putting UNITY in every COMMUNITY & ensuring inclusion and diversity is exercised at every turn!” Come to the open mic to see their amazing, colorful, ingenious, art — tactile & 3-dimensional.

For more information about The Holy Local open mic contact Dan Wilcox, at

The High Ethic Stalwarts Gallery is open daily. For more information or to make and appointment to stop in and shop, call 518-414-4821.



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