Two Poems – Kevin Ridgeway

Two poems – For the Girl with my Dead Girlfriend’s Name” and “Where Do People Go When They Die?” – by Long Beach, CA poet Kevin Ridgeway.
Kevin Ridgeway

For the Girl with my Dead Girlfriend’s Name

Her sad eyes plead with me
for more of my story
after I processed some of my grief
in group therapy in a suburban psych ward
I’ve not been to before, and the only way
I can avoid breaking both our troubled hearts
is to not say another word.


Where Do People Go When They Die?

his lips were purple
and his breath was gone
after I tried to blow it back inside of him
but it blew my hair up over my crying eyes
as I listened for his heart and checked
for his pulse, a man so full of life
the night before, but a heart attack woke him
long enough to reach over to my bed
to wake me up so I could save his life.
I remained asleep as we both fell out
onto the floor in between our beds
his dead body pinning me into a rug burn
that did not heal for weeks after his life force
passed through mine and left me standing there,
gazing at him there in the middle of the floor–
done and over with and never again–until
I realized his life force found refuge in mine
when I heard him laughing inside of me.


Kevin Ridgeway is the author of Too Young to Know (Stubborn Mule Press) and nine chapbooks of poetry including Grandma Goes to Rehab (Analog Submission Press, UK). His work can recently be found in Slipstream, Chiron Review, Nerve Cowboy, Plainsongs, Up The River, San Pedro River Review, The Cape Rock, Trailer Park Quarterly, Main Street Rag, Cultural Weekly, and The American Journal of Poetry, among others. He lives and writes in Long Beach, CA.



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