“2-5-24: Ugly Poems and Hideous Tales from an Illegitimate Man” by J. Matthew Smith

Local poet & writer J. Matthew Smtih’s book, “2-5-24: Ugly Poems and Hideous Tales from an Illegitimate Man,” has been released by 1120 Press.
J. Matthew Smith

Local poet and writer J. Matthew Smtih’s new book, 2-5-24: Ugly Poems and Hideous Tales from an Illegitimate Man, has just been released by 1120 Press. The new book is a collection of poems, short stories, and essays, 2-5-24… examines life’s relationships and subtleties that impact us more significantly than we might think. This is the third book by Smith, a veteran journalist who for more than two decades covered state politics, crime, and environmental issues.

Born and raised in Buffalo NY, J. Matthew Smith worked 20 years as a journalist, covering everything from crime to the military to New York state politics. He is the author of Jailed by May Father: Tales of Tough Love, Bad Hair Cuts and O.J. (Red Roach/Manual Press, 2007). Smith also is co-author of ‘Stay Away from Lions’  — a black comedy crime noir novel set in Buffalo (No Frills Buffalo, 2016), written with Patrick Reynolds. 2-5-24 Ugly Poems and Hideous Tales from an Illegitimate Man from 1120 Press marks the independent publishing house’s inaugural launch. A resident of Albany, NY, Smith is also a contributing editor and photographer for Alternative Incite, an internationally distributed ‘Zine published by Butter Lamb Press, and works regularly as a content editor for various authors. In his spare time he co-hosts The Smartest Guy in the Room podcast available on Apple, Spotify, and Google podcasts. Smith’s photography can be seen at mattsmithimages.com

2-5-24: Ugly Poems and Hideous Tales from an Illegitimate Man is available at 1120press.comshoptbmbooks.com, the Market Block Books in Troy, and The Book House in Albany.




About the author: Albany Poets
Albany Poets mission is to give everyone the platform to share their art with the world. Whether it is on stage, online, or in print, Albany Poets strives to integrate the arts into the Capital Region.
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