Three Poems – Margarita Serafimova

The poems – “The Leaders”, “Alchemy of a Bare Day”, and “The Disappeared” – by award-winning and well-published poet Margarita Serafimova.
Margarita Serafimova

The Leaders

I was walking with the hours, stepping in their step,
not overtaking them.
They knew very clearly where they were going.

I was watching on paper the court follow its thoughts
as if on a map.
When it indicated it was not to remand the case
for a rehearing by another bench
of the same court,
I exclaimed: Now, it will decide it.
I saw on the map Rubicon.


Alchemy of a Bare Day

Churning was the gold of the world.
The Sea of Crete was making a human.


The Disappeared

We are roots,
we are the unknown earth’s own,
we spread out in the eyeballs of the killers,
we are their blood vessels.
We are not murdered.
We cannot be seen, we are hidden in their eyes.
We are in the eyes of the murderers
and we penetrate them.
They see solely us.
They see us.
They only see us.
We are everywhere –
we, the disappeared.
A forest.
Disappearing amongst us are
the lawyers,
the judges.
The Law is one of us.


Margarita Serafimova is the winner of the 2020 biennial Tony Quagliano/ Hawai’i Council for the Humanities International Award for innovative poetry ‘recognizing an accomplished poet with an outstanding body of work’, 2020 and 2021 Pushcart nominee and a finalist in nine other U.S. and international poetry contests. She has four collections in Bulgarian and two in English, A Surgery of A Star (2020) and Еn-tîm (‘The Forest’) (2021). Her work appears widely, including at Nashville Review, LIT, Agenda Poetry, Poetry South, Steam Ticket, Waxwing, Reunion Dallas, Trafika Europe, Obra/ Artifact, Botticelli, Shrew, Noble/ Gas, Great Weather for Media, Landfill, Nixes Mate.



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