Aesthetica Creative Writing Award

The Aesthetica Creative Writing Award is an international literary prize that is a hotbed for new talent in Poetry and Short Fiction.
Aesthetica Creative Writing Award

The Aesthetica Creative Writing Award is an international literary prize that is a hotbed for new talent in Poetry and Short Fiction. Now in its 15th year, the Prize supports both emerging and established writers. By entering, writers can showcase their work to key industry figures and organizations including The Poetry Society, GrantaVINTAGE, and more.

Shortlisted writers (20 fiction, 40 poetry) are awarded with publication in the Aesthetica Creative Writing Anthology as well as online listing and inclusion in our press materials.

Two main winners are selected – one for poetry and one for fiction – each awarded with £2,500 as well as publication with the Aesthetica Creative Writing Anthology and further awards with Aesthetica’s partner organizations.

Aesthetica is proud to champion new writing talent and supports its writing alumni beyond the Prize, offering print and digital publicity and continued exposure across our channels.

Entry Fee: Poetry £12 | Short Fiction £18

Entries open until August 31, 2021. Submissions are organized through our Submittable Platform.

Click here for more information



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