Call for Submissions: Up The River, Issue Nine

Albany Poets very excited to announce that submissions are open for poetry, art, and photography for the ninth issue of our annual literary journal, “Up The River”!
Call for Submissions: Up The River, Issue Nine

We are very excited to announce that submissions are open for poetry, art, and photography for the ninth issue of our annual literary journal, Up The River, which will be published in April 2021 – just in time for the Albany Word Fest!

Up The River is interested in publishing poetry from both emerging and established poets. We love poetry. We are looking for work that excites us and inspires us, work that makes us laugh or cry or sigh. While we appreciate the value of greeting cards and diaries, please don’t send us anything that might have come from either. Instead, send us your best 3-5 poems (.doc, .docx, .rtf or .pdf). We look forward to reading them!

The deadline for submissions is Wednesday, January 20, 2021. For all of the details on what we are looking for and how to send your work to us, go to the Submissions Guidelines page on the Up The River website.

Up The River is a journal of poetry, art & photography by Albany Poets Press celebrating the best in the arts from around the world. Edited by Mary Panza and Carissa HaberlandUp The River showcases original work from both new and established poets, artists, and photographers.



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