Two More People Needed for Workshop

HVWG member Suzanne S. Rancourt updates us on her new book and her new writing workshop.

HVWG member Suzanne S. Rancourt updates us on her new book and her new writing workshop.

Lot’s going on in the world for sure.  So much to write about.  First off I wanted to share a wee bit of good news:  My 3rd book of poetry, Old Stones, New Roads, has been picked up by Main Street Rag Book Publishers and is forthcoming May 2021.  2nd, my poem “Unhinged Again” has been nominated by Wrath Bearing Tree for a Sundress Best of the Net Poetry Award.  I couldn’t have accomplished these things without writing communities.

Thus, I would like to invite folks to participate in this small writing workshop event that I am facilitating Oct 25 – Nov 22, 2020 Sundays, 1-4pm.  All genres and skill levels welcomed.  We will be focusing on new work and continued editing of work in progress.  The pre-registration link follows.  No more than 6 people total as the Create Space Studio will allow for safe and proper distancing for 6 people and of equal importance, the goal is writing and editing, really digging into our work.

I need a couple more people for this incredible opportunity to happen in Schenectady.

As Artists we have much to say.  Let’s speak together through our art making.

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