The Black River Chapbook Competition

The Black River Chapbook Competition is a semi-annual prize from Black Lawrence Press for a chapbook of poems or prose (including fiction, creative non-fiction, lyric essay, and prose hybrid manuscripts).

The Black River Chapbook Competition is a semi-annual prize from Black Lawrence Press for a chapbook of poems or prose (including fiction, creative non-fiction, lyric essay, and prose hybrid manuscripts). Entries should be between 16 and 36 pages in length. The winner will receive $500 and publication.

Recent winners include Meghan Privitello, Ruth Baumann, Jacqueline Doyle, Nancy Reddy, Amy Sayre Baptista, Ashley Morrow Hermsmeier, Alan Chazaro, Christopher Locke, Veronica Montes, and Danielle Rose.

The entry deadline for the Fall Competition: October 31, 2020

Black Lawrence Press accepts submissions and payment of the entry fee ($15) exclusively through our online submission manager, Submittable. All entries are read blind by our panel of judges and editors.

Visit us online for complete submission guidelines. Submissions are accepted via Submittable now through October 31. We look forward to reading your work!

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