Pine Hills Review Summer Call For BIPOC Writers

Pine Hills Review condemns and opposes all forms of racism and recognizes the barriers to publication for BIPOC writers.
Pine Hills Review Call For BIPOC Writers

Pine Hills Review Call For BIPOC Writers

As acts of police brutality and anti-Black racism continue to come to light, we recognize that every institution plays a part in creating an anti-racist society. Pine Hills Review condemns and opposes all forms of racism and recognizes the barriers to publication for BIPOC writers. We believe writing has the power to change our thinking and change the world; we endeavor to decolonize the literary canon and stand in solidarity with those working towards an end to systemic racism. This is why we are opening up our submissions—to BIPOC writers exclusively—outside our regular reading period, from June 20, 2020 to August 12, 2020. After this special reading period, BIPOC are more than welcome to submit their work during our regular reading period as well, as we push to promote quality BIPOC work on any topic. Solidarity is more than a one-off action. It is continually creating spaces for BIPOC to have their voices heard.

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