Call for Submissions: Ghost Stories

SEZ Publishing, a small publisher in their fifth year of creating short story collections, is accepting submissions of ghost stories.

SEZ Publishing, a small publisher in their fifth year of creating short story collections, is accepting submissions of ghost stories.


Each story in the upcoming anthology will include characters encountering ghosts at some point in the story.
Poetry: 1-3 poems; typed.

Fiction/Non-fiction: 500-7500 words; typed, double-spaced, 12-point, Times New Roman. Please submit all written work as WORD DOC file.

Please let us know that you are submitting and offer first rights permission for SEZ to publish your work in our anthology. If selected by the editors, your story or poem will appear in the anthology published in print and Kindle. All other rights remain with the author.

The authors receive a copy.

All authors and poets must be 18+

Submit on or before JULY 1, 2020

Submit to:   sezpublishing[at]hotmail[dot]com

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