Writers Against Covid-19

A call for submissions for short stories from our friend Louise Moss.

A call for submissions for short stories from our friend Louise Moss:

Could your members write a short story to put a smile on readers’ faces and lift their spirits?  A new short story is published every day on the website, and I need more stories, ones like this week’s top story, Floral Tribute, in which Margery reports on last month’s flower show held in Devonport, Australia. A get well card has been sent to Cyril Allridge who suffered a slipped disc while carrying in his novelty entry, leaving him without a pot to put his Pisafera in.”  Read the rest, and how to submit a story, at www.louisemoss.com

I am also looking for stories that pay tribute to the work of healthcare professionals:  something more than a story featuring a nurse or doctor.  It should leave the reader with a sense of gratitude for the work that they do. I shall be choosing one of the stories to use in a publicity campaign.

About me:  I have been writing all my life and have had many articles and stories published in the past.  I have written several novels which you can find on Amazon, including Countdown to Extinction, which took over thirty years to write.

The stories and details of how to submit are on http://www.louisemoss.com

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