“Love’s Compass”, Poems by Cheryl A. Rice, Released

Hudson Valley poet Cheryl A. Rice is pleased to announce that her most recent poetry collection, Love’s Compass, has just been released by Kung Fu Treachery Press.

Hudson Valley poet Cheryl A. Rice is pleased to announce that her most recent poetry collection, Love’s Compass, has just been released by Kung Fu Treachery Press. An imprint of Spartan Press, the publisher is based in Missouri.

Love’s Compass gathers over twenty years of poems, regarding loves both romantic and platonic. Rice’s work has appeared in small press journals and other periodicals around the country and across the pond. Previous books include My Minnesota Boyhood (Post Traumatic Press: 2012), Moses Parts the Tulips (A.P.D Press: 2013), and most recently, Until The Words Came (Post Traumatic Press: 2019), the latter a collaboration with poet Guy Reed.

Of My Minnesota Boyhood, Young Adult author Marianna Boncek says, “You will find yourself, again and again, saying ‘ah’ after each of Cheryl Rice’s poems…” Poet and Publisher of Home Planet News Donald Lev said of the same collection, “…with a novelist’s skill, she carves ice, water, and fish into Moby Dick-like metaphor that sinks deep and stays…”

Proprietor of her own occasional imprint, Flying Monkey Press, Rice is also the founder and host of the now-defunct “Sylvia Plath Bake-Off,” an annual combination open mic and baked goods contest held in Kingston, New York for over a decade throughout the 1990s. Her RANDOM WRITING workshops have been offered at schools, art galleries and retreat centers throughout the Hudson Valley.

Love’s Compass is available for ordering at https://www.barnesandnoble.com  and https://www.amazon.com/, as well directly from the poet at live readings. The cost is $13.00. For more information, Rice may be contacted at cheryl.a.rice.02@gmail.com, or through Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Flying-Monkey-Productions. Her blog is at:  http://flyingmonkeyprods.blogspot.com/.

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