Call for Submissions: Dear Herman

Dear Herman is a call for submissions for poetry and prose, celebrating the 200th birthday of author Herman Melville.
Herman Melville

Dear Herman is a call for submissions for poetry and prose, celebrating the 200th birthday of author Herman Melville.  The reading will take place on October 12th at the Melville House in Troy, NY and is begin sponsored by the Lansingburgh Historical Society.

You are cordially invited to submit up to three pages of poetry, fiction or non-fiction that explores any of the following topics:

  • Herman Melville, his life, his writing, his historic home in Troy
  • Whales
  • Sharks
  • Water
  • Sailing
  • Civil War
  • Things/items sailors carried while whaling
  • Poverty (Melville’s mother was very poor)

We believe these broad topics will enable us to select two to four poets/writers from the community to present a curated reading as part of the Lansingburgh Historical Society’s celebration of Herman Melville’s 200th birthday. Members of the Lansingburgh Historical Society are especially encouraged to apply.

Please send three pages of poetry, fiction or non-fiction to by August 26, 2019.  The work submitted should be in an attachment without the author’s name or other identifying information; the attachment should be in .doc, .docx, or other generally accepted format.  Include your name, email address, phone number & title(s) of the work submitted in the cover email.

The deadline for submission is August 26, 2019.

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