Tom Nattell Peace Poetry Prize Guidelines

In 2019 The Tom Nattell Peace Poetry Prize will be awarding 2 prizes of $200. each.  The deadline for submissions is May 10, 2019.  

Albany High SchoolBefore his death in January 2005 Albany poet & human rights activist Tom Nattell established a fund with the Community Foundation for the Greater Capital Region to provide an annual award to a student-poet at Albany High School for a poem they had written.  In 2019 The Tom Nattell Peace Poetry Prize will be awarding 2 prizes of $200. each.  The guidelines are listed below.  The deadline for submissions is May 10, 2019.

The administrator of the prize is local poet & peace activist Dan Wilcox, & the entries are judged by a member of the Hudson Valley Writers Guild.  For more information about the Tom Nattell Peace Poetry Prize please contact Dan Wilcox at

Submission Guidelines

  • Poetry will be accepted from enrolled students at Albany Hight School, from all grand levels (9 – 12).  No student may win the prize more than twice.
  • Students may submit up to 3 poems, which should be their own, original work.  Students do not have to write a poem specifically for the contest, and are encouraged to submit their best, most characteristic work.  The judging for the prize will be based on the merits of the poems submitted.
  • Poems should be typed without the student’s name on the poem; students will submit with the poem(s) a separate sheet with their name, address, email address & the titles of the poems submitted.
  • Poems may be submitted via email as a single document (such as .doc or .docx), or by regular mail, as described above.
  • Poems will be sent to:  Dan Wilcox, 280 South Main Ave., Albany, NY  12208.
    Email submissions to
  • Submissions must be emailed or postmarked by:  May 10, 2019
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