Call For Submissions: The Tom Nattell Peace Poetry Prize 2019

Before his death in January 2005 Tom Nattell established a fund to provide an annual award to a student-poet at Albany High School.
Tom Nattell

Before his death in January 2005 Albany poet and human rights activist Tom Nattell established a fund with the Community Foundation for the Greater Capital Region to provide an annual award to a student-poet at Albany High School for a poem they had written.  In 2019 The Tom Nattell Peace Poetry Prize will be awarding two prizes of $200. each.  The guidelines are listed below.  The deadline for submissions is May 10, 2019.

The administrator of the prize is local poet and peace activist Dan Wilcox, and the entries are judged by a member of the Hudson Valley Writers Guild.  For more information about the Tom Nattell Peace Poetry Prize please contact Dan Wilcox at


Submission Guidelines

  • Poetry will be accepted from enrolled students at Albany High School, from all grand levels (9 – 12).  No student may win the prize more than twice.
  • Students may submit up to 3 poems, which should be their own, original work.  Students do not have to write a poem specifically for the contest and are encouraged to submit their best, most characteristic work.  The judging for the prize will be based on the merits of the poems submitted.
  • Poems should be typed without the student’s name on the poem; students will submit with the poem(s) a separate sheet with their name, address, email address & the titles of the poems submitted.
  • Poems may be submitted via email as a single document (such as .doc or .docx), or by regular mail, as described above.
  • Poems will be sent to:  Dan Wilcox, 280 South Main Ave., Albany, NY  12208.
    Email submissions to
  • Submissions must be emailed or postmarked by:  May 10, 2019
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