Stories Through The Ages

Living Springs Publishers LLP is now accepting submissions for our Stories Through The Ages short story contests.

Living Springs Publishers LLP is now accepting submissions for our Stories Through The Ages short story contests.

We are in our 3rd year of publishing the “Stories Through The Ages Baby Boomers Plus” book. This year instead of publishing a College Edition we decided to open submissions to any adult, who is not a Baby Boomer – we are calling this contest “Stories Through The Ages Generations Plus”.

There is no prompt for the contests, stories may be about any topic. The word count is 900 – 4000 words. The entry fee is $25 for one story and $20 per story when submitting multiple stories

For each contest, a minimum of the top fifteen finalists will be published in the 2019 edition of the book.


  • 1st place winner will receive $500.00
  • 2nd place $200.00
  • 3rd place $100.00. 

“Stories Through The Ages Generations Plus 2019” (any adult born 1965 or later) – submissions close on April 15.

“Stories Through The Ages Baby Boomers Plus 2019” (anyone born 1964 or earlier) – submissions close on June 15.

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